
Job Fairs & Information Sessions

How We Can Help!

  • Interview Space: Offering suitable space for your interviews.
  • Hiring Fair Facilitation: Assisting in organizing and promoting your hiring fair.
  • Information Sessions: Arranging sessions for you to present about your company’s hiring process.

Job Postings & Circulation

  • Job Board Access: Utilize our highly-viewed local job board.
  • Social Media Exposure: Your vacancy shared on our social media platforms.
  • Internal and Client Circulation: Sharing your vacancy with our staff and clients.

Hiring Incentives

  • Wage Subsidies: Save costs with a wage subsidy, investing in extra training hours.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Offer opportunities to individuals with disabilities.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Seek volunteers to contribute to your initiatives. Connect with us for further insights.


We know you value your employees, so why not have WorkBC New Westminster present to your staff about the variety of ways in which we can support them in reconnecting to the labour market? We will discuss the benefits of receiving Employment Insurance (EI) and the supports that WorkBC can offer an EI recipient.

If you have a questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Second Floor, 519 Seventh Street

New Westminster, BC, V3M 6A7
